Saturday, 22 September 2012

Kelebihan Latihan Industri Kepada Pelajar

Kelebihan Latihan Industri Kepada Pelajar

 Latihan Industri merupakan salah satu cabang subjek yang perlu diambil oleh setiap pelajar di IPTA/IPT mengikut kursus dan tahap pendidikan yang tertentu. Di peringkat politeknik, pelajar dimestikan untuk menjalani Latihan Industri seawal peringkat Sijil dan Diploma, manakala di IPTA/IPT lain dikehendaki menjalani Latihan Industri pada peringkat Ijazah Sarjana yang dijalankan pada semester yang berlainan.Latihan Industri merupakan satu syarat bagi pelajar/mahasiswa untuk dianugerakan sijil, diploma serta ijazah sarjana.
Latihan Industri bukan sahaja membolehkan pelajar menerokai pelbagai ilmu berkaitan dengan apa yang diambilnya di IPTA/IPT, malahan mendedahkan gambaran awal untuk persediaan ke arah alam pekerjaan yang sebenarnya kelak apabila mereka tamat pengajian mereka di IPTA/IPT.  Bukan itu sahaja pelajar juga turut mempelajari sesuatu yang mungkin tidak akan diajar oleh pensyarah-pensyarah mereka di dalam bilik kuliah.
Latihan Industri juga mendidik pelajar untuk lebih berdisiplin. Jika di IPTA/IPT pelajar mesti mengikut undang-undang dan peraturan yang dikuatkuasakan oleh IPTA/IPT, maka sama halnya dengan di tempat kerja. Pelajar harus mempamerkan imej yang baik IPTA/IPT mereka kepada firma tempat mereka menjalani Latihan Industri.

Sekaligus dapat membentuk personaliti individu yang positif, selain melatih diri pelajar tentang etika kerja yang baik.
Disamping itu juga Latihan Industri memberikan ilmu tentang kemahiran yang sangat berguna kepada pelajar khususnya mereka yang mengambik kursus kemahiran. Ia adalah satu bonus untuk pelajar. Disamping dapat memperbaiki teknik komunikasi yang berkesan kepada majikan serta pekerja-pekerja yang lain.

Kesimpulannya Latihan Industri merupakan salah satu subjek yang sangat menarik, mudah, dan berguna kepada pelajar sebagai pendedahan awal sebelum melangkah ke alam pekerjaan yang sebenar.
sumber :

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Students, Manage Your Stress! 4 Practical Ways to Deal with Stress in College/University

Kate Looi Sook Jing
Editor's Note:Many thanks to our reader, Khim, who wrote in and suggested correction of many grammatical errors in the original version of the essay below. Now, are you kind enough like Khim to help us to improve this article? Thanks in advance! 

Written by Kate Looi, who is a 22-year-old postgraduate student and is currently working as a Junior Accounts Executive. Join us and apply to be a contributor now!

Many students have been going through a stressful period, when they are facing assignment deadlines, examination schedule or personal problems. It is especially burdensome when you feel all of the problems knocking your door together.

Once I was a college student just like you, I had to prepare for internal exam and also sit for ACCA professional paper sitting. Sometimes, few assignments are being rushed in the same week. Luckily, I could handle them well. Only when I truly felt the stress blockage is when I had to take three ACCA papers at the same time, which was a continuous three-day exam.

It also signifies the transformation from secondary to tertiary school times. The higher education level you are in, the higher possibility you feel stress. There is no way for you and me to escape it. You have to learn how to manage it to a balanced level. It is a must because it will increase much more when you begin your working life sooner or later.

I will share some of the methods when I was in that terrible situation. It could be useful for me but not for you. Everyone has their ways of dealing with their nerve-racking periods.

  1. People – You do have family, close friends or someone who can listen to your problems and give you an advice. In my case, I seldom talk to my family to prevent them from over-worrying. Thus, friends became my listener or companion. Yet, I would choose whom to tell to because you would not tend to talk to someone who is in dilemma too. Sometimes, I will not wish to trouble whoever is facing the same examination or other problems as me. I know they might not feel that it is a trouble though. Anyway, talking out to the right person will ease your emotion.
  1. Time – When the stress is coming to attack you, it means you are doing somewhere wrong to allow this unwelcomed visitor. Mostly, it is because of the time management. Students are used to procrastinate their progress, even the best students. I admit that I was too. However, we should not leave them to the last minute. Divide the lengthy assignment question or examination timetable to a few smaller pieces. As such, they will not be overwhelming and push you to the dead corner. Furthermore, set your priorities accordingly. To ensure meeting the deadlines, you must kick away all intrusions. Please leave your television shows, text-messaging, laptops and snacks aside. Study comes before recreation.
  2. Responsibility – Learning how to assign one coursework among your team members is important. Although you are a team leader, you should not solely take care of the whole assignment. Otherwise, you will not be a successful leader as well. Putting all responsibilities on top of one shoulder is very onerous. Trust your team members. If you feel that you cannot trust them or their work are not up to the necessary standard, talk to them or else tell your lecturer when they do not change their attitudes afterwards. 
  3. Relax – Nerves are like rubber band. If you pull it overly, it will be broken. Things are always consequences of other things. You start late, feel guilty and do not let yourself to have a break in order to finish it on time. But, you might make it worse because you do not expect the stress that is disturbing your progress. I will try to write down my schedule which is inclusive of going to cinema, hanging out with friends, friends’ birthday celebration and so on. Put your work down, walk out from the hostel and breathe the fresh air. You will feel more refreshed when later coming back to work them out. Do not make it as your excuse and hang out more often than you need. It is kind of procrastination instead of relaxation.
That’s all in my list. A bit of stress is motivation. My lecturer has told us that hanging out before exam will make you guilty and study harder. Is this true? When you feel guilty, you will do more to compensate. The best student in your class might hang out with you but still study at night or early next morning when you are sleeping. Therefore, he or she seems to be relaxed and fully prepared.

Handle your stress well and enjoy your student life!

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